Jan 17, 2011

Moving Day!

I've been suspended in agony for days now. Even in spite of my jet lag I was losing sleep last night.

Because today is moving day.

We're going to be in a great spot- we'll be able to see the ferries crossing to and from Europe through our window- but first we have to get all of our stuff there.

And what, you ask, does that entail?

DRIVING a fifteen passenger van full of our stuff from here to there. Through 11.5 kilometers of randomly turning, two-way suddenly one-way, stop and go, honk or hit traffic. Drivers routinely stop their cars in the roadway, throw open their doors, punch other drivers in the face, then angrily (merrily?) continue on their way. And if anything goes wrong… what recourse do I have? I've got a foreign license, I'm not sure if I'm insured, any cops will want to believe all the stuff is illegally obtained:

"Dirty foreigner, where did you get all these foreign language books?"
"I swear, officer, I brought them from the States!"
"So did you declare them or are they ILLEGALLY IMPORTED?!?"

Wish me luck!

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